Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease which is caused by damage to the covers of the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. This makes the nervous system weak in communicating with other organs of the body. The symptoms of MS are blindness in one eye, double vision, muscle weakness, trouble with sensation or coordination. Almost any neurological symptom can occur in patients of Multiple Sclerosis.
Genetics and environmental factors such as viral infection are known to cause Multiple Sclerosis. These factors can destroy the immune system therby triggering Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis is diagnosed on clinical examination by a neurologist with the help of some imaging tests and some pathological tests. It can be difficult to confirm it as MS as the symptoms and the radiological findings are similar in many other neurological conditions. In cases where more than one episode has occurred then clinical findings are sufficient to establish it as Multiple Sclerosis.
There is no known cure for Multiple Sclerosis and most of the medications used in allopathy have severe sideffects. Many patients benefit by using alternative therapies like Vitamin D, Accupuncture, dietary supplementation, Yoga, relaxation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Dr Singh is one of the most qualified and extensively trained Neuro specialist for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis at Shiva Hospital. The cost of treating Multiple Sclerosis would depend on the line of treatment chosen. Since Allopathy does not have a definitive cure for the disease, patients opt for alternative therapies. The outcomes of these therapies are not documented so it all depends on the genetic makeup of the patient and their luck. The cost of these therapies vary widely. While Accupuncture can cost you INR 2000 per session, Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy may cost INR 15000. Many of the other therapies like Yoga, Relaxation Techniques hardly cost any money. India being the originator of Yoga there are many free classes which are always going at some place or the other.
Shiva Hospital at Madhepura has been launched by renowned Surgeon Dr Dilip Singh who has been serving the people of this area for the last 27 years. Dr Dilip Singh setup his first hospital as Druvit Hospital in the year 2000. He has performed more than 10,000 general and urological surgeries with excellent outcomes. Earlier the patients had to travel to Patna to get good quality medical services. Dr Dilip Singh stopped this medical travel of the patients by performing all kinds of complex surgeries in Madhepura. Dr Dilip Singh has more than 27 years of experience in the field of Surgery. He has been associated with several Medical Colleges as a teacher and trainer for the budding doctors. He has trained several surgeons in the art of Minimaly Invasive Surgical Techniques.
Shiva Hospital has deployed the latest cutting edge medical technology in the fields of Diagnostics, Surgery and Intensive Care. The hospital has 32 Slice CT Scan, Ultrasound, Colour Doppler, Echocardiography, Digital X-Ray, Laparoscope, Endoscope, Arthroscope, Ureteroscope and C-Arm. The operating rooms are fully equipped to carry out the most complex surgeries like Knee and Hip Replacement, GI Surgeries, Gynae Surgeries, Laparoscopic and Ureteroscopic Surgeries. We are performing high risk surgeries with excellent outcomes. We have a trauma centre which is equipped with all the life saving equipments and Operating room to carry out emergency surgeries and procedures. Critical patients are taken care in high tech Intensive Care Units. Premature babies are kept in state of art Neonatal ICU (NICU). We also have advanced Pathology Lab and Physical Therapy Centre.
We have deployed the best medical team to provide high quality treatment to the patients of Madhepura. We have full time consultants in the fields of Medicine, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Radiology, Pathology, Physical Therapy, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. Our consultants have the best qualifications and long experience of successful outcomes. We have visiting consultants in the fields of Urology, Neurosurgery, Cancer Surgery and Cardiology to provide superspecialty care to the residents of Madhepura. The team of doctors is supported by qualified Medical Officers, experienced nurses and paramedical staff. The patient care services department ensures that the patients visiting the hospital get hassle free and compassionate care in salubrious environment. Now you can get high quality medical treatment in Madhepura without rushing to Patna or any other Metro city.